Find Her by Lisa Gardner Book Review

Find Her by Lisa Gardner Book Review

Find Her by Lisa Gardner is the first book I have read in a year and a half that I could not put down and I finished it in less than 24 hours.

I really thought the book was going to keep me awake due to me being a scaredy cat. I figured I would stay awake because I would not be able to sleep because of what I might replay in my head. I have never read anything else by Lisa Gardner but I liked that the parts that could have been overly detailed were left more to the imagination. What did keep me awake was that every chapter was very fast paced and gave you just enough info that you wanted to keep reading to find out more. 

It was interesting the entire read with new characters and plot twists to continue to change your view on what the end of the story might look like. I have to brag as I did have it figured out before my mum which is rare! 

The characters, locations and scenes were descriptive enough that it gave you could vividly picture people's emotions, what the surrounding looked like, felt like and even smelt like. This is why I am glad when scenes could have gotten gruesome Gardner ended the scene for you to image as much or as little as you preferred. 

What I did not know about this book is that it is the eighth book in the D. D. Warren series but you would never know it as it reads like a stand alone book. I really cannot wait to read more books in this series and by this author. 

I gave this book a 5/5 stars on Goodreads. 




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