Protecting His Cowgirl by Mary Sue Jackson Book Review

Protecting His Cowgirl by Mary Sue Jackson Book Review

Mary Sue Jackson’s newest book Protecting His Cowgirl was a binge read for me. I started it last night and stayed up all night reading it, even though I was exhausted. This book grabbed me in the first chapter and the pacing was spot on. I really enjoyed the short chapters as well. Jackson’s writing oozes with emotion. Her writing style is very straight forward and easy to follow. 

The plot contained a lot of interpersonal struggles. Macy May and Garrett also had to work out their own troubled past, along with their shared past.  Garrett struggles with trying to make his present and future life more meaningful and positive, after being quite the bad boy, as a teenager. Macy May struggles a lot with why Garrett just left. There was sexual tension for about 98% of the story. The dual perspectives were an added bonus, so the reader could know fully what was going on in Macy May and Garrett’s minds. 

Jackson describes the ranch so vividly. I could completely picture it in my head. 

While this was a pretty straight forward cowboy romance, I was shocked at who was sabotaging the ranch! 

Jackson’s writing sets this novel apart from others in the category. If you enjoy romances and cowboys, I highly recommend this story. 

I received an electronic Advanced Reader Copy from Relay Publishing through Net Galley. All opinions are 100% my own. 

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