Summer on Honeysuckle Ridge by Debbie Mason Book Review

Summer on Honeysuckle Ridge by Debbie Mason Book Review

For any Outlander fan, looking for a modern day, small town, Scottish themed read, check out Summer on Honeysuckle Ridge by Debbie Mason. 

Highland Falls, North Carolina beams with all things Scottish. It is picturesque until Abby comes stomping into town. Abby and Hunter meet under less than ideal circumstances and instantly get off on the wrong foot. Both have their beloved dogs but have very different views on how to handle them.  What the other person doesn’t know is that both of them have had some hard tragedies in life. I found Abby to be a bit exhausting at times with all of her banter. I thought her character transformation was great though. Hunter was a very steady, constant, and misunderstood man. 

I did get slightly confused about the family situations, at times. I found it dragged a little from about 35-50% of the way through. In the beginning and second half of the book, I could not put down. I would have also liked to have seen more of the journal excerpts. Given the writing throughout the book on how each character thought about the other, I thought it would get steamier than it did. I enjoyed where the romance stayed. 

Mason created very vivid and complex characters and wrote beautifully the whole way through. I felt both the plot and the characters were strong in this novel. If you enjoy lighter romances, all things Scottish, and small towns, this is a great book for you. 

I received an electronic advanced reader copy from Forever (Grand Central Publishing.) All opinions are 100% my own. 

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