Pirates, Romance, Adventure, and Historical Fiction

Pirates, Romance, Adventure, and Historical Fiction

Growing up I always loved reading books about or involving pirates. To find a good book involving pirates is even harder. "Once a Pirate" sure does it for me. 

It starts off with the Earl of Sutcliffe coming to bail his illegitimate son Talon out of prison. In exchange for his release Talon will receive a plot of land in the Carolina's he has had his eye on. He will also have to sleep with the Earl's daughter in law Catherine and produce an heir. Catherine is married to Daniel who is the only legitimate son to the Earl. Catherine and Daniel have not had an heir yet because they have not consummated their marriage. Daniel is gay and Catherine has no idea. One night Catherine walks in on Daniel and his lover. Catherine tries to get the marriage annulled with no success. 

From there, there is a LOT of family drama, secrets, and lies, sprinkled with some adventure and steaminess. 

I liked the fact there are not a whole lot of characters, and their names are all different enough that you do not get them confused. Louise Barnes also does a great job with the narration and voices. 

I have already recommended this book to several friends. I cannot wait for more from Diana Bold. 

To find out more about Diana Bold here are some links. For Facebook click here and for Twitter click here.

I did receive this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are 100% my own.

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